
Cyber shadow
Cyber shadow

It isn’t until fairly late in the game that you get abilities like a down-thrust, a wall-jump or a dashing slash, but even this feels somewhat disparate, as most abilities are only granted after boss fights-another idea borrowed from Mega Man-and the rate at which you get useful abilities feels few and far between. With no way to dash, or attack in any way that could keep me mobile. So not only did I have to avoid a massive pillar or death, I had to try to jump to a small platform, while not getting hit by two things that could send me to my death. Upon trying to jump to this platform, an orbital laser that had been assaulting me the entire second half of the level, would become active.

cyber shadow cyber shadow

One level in particular had a particularly small platform, in between two instant death pits, with an enemy placed on it while another enemy hovered in the air, and required multiple hits. Compounding these problems is the Castlevania-style knockback that can turn unlucky hits into instant death if you’re near any pitfall. What adds to this problem is the multitude of enemies-like Ninja Gaiden however, seemingly placed at random throughout each level insta-kill pitfalls, and environmental hazards that make moving through a level a constant gauntlet, and the lack of mobility options make this less than fun to play through. However, upon starting the game, you’re only given a standing slash and a jump, and those don’t really go far in a game like this-hell, even the original Ninja Gaiden gave you a wall jump at the start. The initial release trailer really hyped me up, because it makes the game look so fast-paced and intense. The biggest problem with Cyber Shadow’s control is a serious lack of mobility, particularly in the beginning of the game. I had a bad feeling from the beginning when I discovered there was no crouch feature-a staple in most 2D action games-but it only got more frustrating from there. Cyber Shadow can be extremely frustrating to play, mainly because the control feels so archaic in its design. However, now I have to get into my main complaint with the game: the gameplay.

cyber shadow

The soundtrack was done by Enrique Martin, produced by Jake Kaufman-Kaufman having also done the Shovel Knight soundtrack, which, in my opinion, is one of the all time greatest game soundtracks so you know it’s going to be epic. Every track gets your heart racing and so perfectly fits the mood of the game, creating tracks that are as fast as Ninjas, but somehow somber yet triumphant. On top of the excellent visual design is an absolutely BANGIN’ soundtrack. From garbage disposal facilities, to grimy sewers, to the desolate ruins of Mekacity, the game has a wide variety of levels, and the amount of detail both in the foreground and the background create a world that feels so visually distinct. Cyber Shadow does a lot with it’s minimalist, 8-bit aesthetic, creating interesting levels that may remind some players of the NES Batman.

#Cyber shadow free

From there he sets out to free his fellow Ninja and save his Master.Īdding to the story is the game’s visual design. After a cataclysmic explosion that levels his home of Mekacity, he reawakens as a Cyborg and quickly learns that sinister forces have captured his clan and Master syphoning their essence to power their machines. Players take on the role of the titular Shadow-a Ninja who, along with his clan, is tasked with preserving the balance between the spirit world and the living. However, before this review starts sounding more negative than it is, I want to take a moment to focus on Cyber Shadow’s positives starting with the story. However, unlike Shovel Knight which used it’s NES inspiration as a foundation to build something truly inspired, Cyber Shadow doesn’t quite hit the same mark-pulling more of what made those aforementioned games frustratingly difficult. Much like Shovel Knight Cyber Shadow blends the gameplay sensibilities from several of the NES-era games that inspired Shovel Knight-it’s a little Ninja Gaiden mixed with Castlevania, with a sprinkle of Mega Man.

Cyber shadow